Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Yay for a Post!

Ok so it has been a long, long, long, long time since I have written in my blog last and I write this for all of you, but more importantly my cousin Abby who checks this daily and hates to not see an update. Abby this is for you! So, starting with Sunday, I was able to attend mass at Westminster Abbey. It was the most gorgeous place I have ever been to. The beauty of the place made worshipping God that much more exciting and meaningful. Ironically the sermon on Sunday was about Abraham Lincoln. It was basically a history lesson, but cool. Other than that Sunday was a day of rest and rejuvenating.

On Monday I woke up to go to a travel agent. A group of us have chosen to take a tour to Paris, France on March 6-8. I am sooo excited. It was weird to make a decision for the first time about a big trip and money without having the parent’s advice. I guess that is what it means to grow up and be on your own. We also went grocery shopping which was very fun and I actually like planning out meals and such.

On Tuesday, I had another long day of classes. After classes we went to a theater production. It was called The Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare. It was absolutely awesome other than the costuming. The costuming was a bit off because it flipped from modern to medieval, but other than that the acting was great and the play was quite humorous.

On Wednesday, today, I woke up and had no classes. Wednesday is a break in the middle of the week for me to relax and do some homework. I wrote a journal for my sociology class and that was all the homework I had to do so I went exploring. I went out into London for about four hours and just turned down streets and found my way from the famous Marble Arch all the way to Piccadilly Circus, which is like Time Square in New York. I had lots of fun.
As a closing note I want to say that I have learned one thing. Always buy your phone card from the post office, it is five pounds fro 152 minutes, if you buy it from a sketchy guy on the street it is five pounds for 32 minutes. THE END!


  1. Hey Sam...I am so glad you are getting to see all these neat things. It reminds me of when I was there in January 1976. Keep the pictures coming! Study hard and have fun! Sandy

  2. I am so glad y'all are going to Paris! And I am very impressed with your critique of Twelfth Night. Have a good day! or night! It's hard sometimes to keep up the time difference between costa rica and there. :)
